Creating cards can be a very tiring process, especially when you have to create lots of cards following the same format. With our AI-powered Templates, you can now bring your card creation to the next level! Choose what fields you want to be generated, like images, definitions, translations, and so much more!
What you can do:
Use Templates. If you already have a template, just tap it once, and it will generate a card right away!
Create Templates. If you tap +Add in the Templates window, you can create your own Template. More on that below.
Edit or Delete Templates. Preview the template, Edit or Delete it.
Accessing your Templates
To access the Templates menu, you first need to open the Add Card window and fill in the Front side of your future card. Otherwise, the Template selection will be greyed out for you. Just tap the necessary template and it will be applied to your card immediately.
Creating your first Template
Now that we know where to find the menu, let's tap the +Add button to create our first template. Here you can enter the name and action points for your Prompt. Once saved, the name will appear under Your Template section.
Make sure to follow the format:
Front side
[your prompt]
Back side
[your prompt]
For example,
Front side
the word you want to learn
Back side
example sentence
Don't worry, if something doesn't work you can always come back and edit it or create a new one from scratch.
Editing your Template
In the same Add Card menu, tap the Settings icon and tap the Template you want to edit. You will again see its Name and Prompt details. Make the necessary adjustments and tap Save. You can change its name, add new prompts or change the existing ones. If no adjustments were made, the Save button will be grayed out.
Deleting your Template
Open the Card Creation menu again and choose the Settings option.
Here tap the Template you want to delete and choose Delete. You will see a pop-up, reminding you that this action cannot be reversed, if you delete something by accident.
You can create a variety of Templates, each serving their different purpose depending on your needs - be it studying languages or medical materials.