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Step 2. Structure Cards with Decks and Subdecks Anki Pro app offers
Step 2. Structure Cards with Decks and Subdecks Anki Pro app offers

Subdecks Anki Pro offers are a great way to study multiple decks at once!

Updated over 5 months ago

What Is a Deck?

A deck is a collection of cards organized based on topics or classes. Decks help to structure and study cards effectively. Depending on your objectives, you can customize learning settings for each deck. This includes adjusting learning algorithms, managing the number of cards per day, and adding, removing audio from flashcards within the decks, etc.

How to create Sub decks in Anki Pro?

A subdeck is created by organizing one deck within another. When smaller decks are nested within a main deck, they are referred to as "subdecks". Incorporating subdecks anki system for your flashcards is beneficial if you wish to break down a study topic into more manageable segments and study them separately or all together. If you're wondering how to create sub decks Anki Pro has, follow these steps:

  • To create a subdeck, click the “+” button on a main deck (swipe to the left on mobile to access the buttons).

  • To move a deck into another one, click the “↱” icon and then select the deck you want to add it to.

Steps on how to create sub decks in Anki Pro have never been easier!

How to Study a Deck?

To study all flashcards in the main deck, including cards from subdecks, simply open your main deck. If you need to focus on a specific subdeck, click on the “+” icon on the main deck to reveal the related subdecks, then select the one you need.

Watch our quick guide to better understand the deck system:

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