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Organize your Decks in Folders
Organize your Decks in Folders

Learn how join your decks in folders and organize your learning space

Updated this week

When you're an avid studier or just have interest in many various subjects, you will of course want to create a separate folder for each topic and keep your decks organized. The Folder feature will allow you to do exactly that, so let's see how it works.

Creating a Folder

Same as always, just find the + button on your home screen and choose Create folder option in the pop-up menu.

Here you can of course choose the name for your future folder, as well as its signature color and a representative emoji. After you've finished your setup, simply tap Create and the folder will be added to your Home screen.

Reordering your Folders

By default, Folders have their own section, separate from your regular decks. When you open the Reorder menu, you can still reorganize your decks and Folders alike, however Folders will always stay on top of your screen in their separate section.

Managing your Folder

Once you have your first folder, you can either long tap it, swipe it left or open it to access it's Settings.

In settings you can once again change your deck's name, icon and signature color.

If your folder is empty, you will see the Add decks button right away.

By clicking it, a menu will appear with all your current decks - select the ones you want to add to your current folder and tap Move to folder.

You will see only decks that are available on your Home screen. Once a deck is moved to any folder, it will disappear from the Home screen and move to the selected folder ☝🏻

Among other options you can also:

  • tap Add to folder to select more decks to be added

  • tap Delete to erase the folder with all its decks.

Please remember that deleting a folder is an irreversible process. Once you agree to the confirmational popup, all your decks inside the Folder will be deleted

Now you know how to organize your decks even better!

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