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Deck Settings
Dive deeper into the features allowing to get the most out of your decks
17 articles
Offline LearningContinue studying your cards when commuting without Internet
Share DecksDiscover how to share your Anki Pro decks with peers or students, enhancing collaborative learning opportunities.
How many new anki cards per day should you study?Adjust your deck settings to control the daily influx of new cards, tailoring your study pace to fit your learning goals
Text-To-SpeechEnable Text-to-Speech in Anki Pro to enhance your learning with audio feedback, ideal for auditory learners
Shuffle CardsDiscover how to shuffle cards in Anki Pro to vary your review sessions and prevent pattern recognition, boosting memory retention
Reset ProgressLearn how to reset your progress in Anki Pro to start afresh or re-evaluate your learning strategies effectively.
Duplicate DeckLearn how to duplicate your decks in AnkiPro to make your own personalized one without affecting the source.
Deck Re-orderingChange the order of your decks for better prioritization and studying experience
Publish your Decks in the LibraryDiscover how you can publish your unique decks and contribute to the app's vast Library collection
Sort and Filter your CardsLearn how to use filters and sort your cards to better navigate through your notes
Embed your DecksLet's learn how you can incorporate your decks into your website
Create Cards with AILearn how to speed up your card creation process with the help of built-in AI generator
Archive your DecksLearn how to archive decks that you no longer need to study but still want to keep safe
Export your decksFind out how to share your decks outside the app and arrange backups
Customize your Cards StylesLearn how to add a personal touch to your flashcards
Customize your Learning AlgorithmFine-tune your Learning algorithms and make your learning experience even more effective!
Organize your Decks in FoldersLearn how join your decks in folders and organize your learning space