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Image Occlusion

Study specific information from your flashcards with our Image Occlusion feature!

Updated over 4 months ago

For learners immersed in visual subjects like anatomy or diagrams, mastering complex information often hinges on studying specific details directly on images. Image Occlusion feature helps to make learning visual information more effective and assists in creating flashcards faster.

What is Image Occlusion?

Image Occlusion (IO) operates just like to Cloze deletion, enabling users to hide specific parts of an image, allowing focused study on concealed areas.

How to start?

You can access the IO editor through 2 pathways:

  • Toolbar: click on an image occlusion icon in the toolbar that will facilitate opening an image directly in the editor. Kindly note, that Image Occlusion can be added only to the Front side of your future card

  • Attachment Preview: Previewing an image by clicking the attachment file reveals a button to open the IO editor.

Useful tip
When using your phone or tablet, you can operate with either your finger or a stylus/pencil. If you want to use this feature on a desktop, your mouse cursor will work perfectly as well. When working with our web version you can also use Backspace on your keyboard - to delete a selected Mask. And H - to switch between Navigating through the image or Creating Masks.

How does it work?

All you need to do is to click and start selecting an area that you want to hide. As soon as you finished selecting, you will see a rectangle that is called 'a mask.' You can:

  • Resize, move, rotate or even delete the mask in case you want to start over.

  • Move around, zoom in and out on the picture to better highlight necessary areas.

  • Use the Show/Hide switch (1) to control the transparency of your mask. By default it’s transparent but you can make it opaque as well. Please note that it only affects your Editing mode.

  • Use the Hide all, guess one switch (2).

You can create as many masks as needed. One hidden section equals to one flashcard, meaning, that for 1 image with several masks there will be several cards with separate progress.

Learning options

  • Hide One, Guess One: During learning, only 1 mask is covered, even if you have other hidden parts on the image.

  • Hide All, Guess One: All masks are covered with emphasis on the mask corresponding to the current question.

Once you’ve created your card and added all necessary masks, you will see a small blue Preview on your added image (as shown on the screenshot below). This way you will be able to instantly recognize if there’s any Image Occlusion applied or not.

Using Image Occlusion with AI

Of course, creating lots of cards can be very time consuming, especially when you want to add additional settings like Image Occlusion. This is where our Generate with AI feature comes in very handy!

You just need to import the necessary picture and tap the magic Detect with AI button - the job will be done automatically! Our smart algorithm will detect and apply Image Occlusion on all necessary parts of the picture. Don't worry, if necessary, you can still add more fields before saving the pic!

Similar to Cloze deletion, Image Occlusion is incompatible with Reverse card mode, maintaining consistency in study methodology.

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