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How to study with flashcards efficiently?
How to study with flashcards efficiently?

Master efficient flashcard study techniques with Anki Pro, including creating custom cards, organizing sessions, integrating study routines

Updated over 5 months ago

Master the art of flashcard-based learning in just a few days of consistency! Here are the key strategies for getting pro at Anki Pro.

Strategy #1: Make your own flashcards

Anki Pro provides access to a library of 50K+ pre-made decks by other users. However, creating your own cards is highly beneficial as it helps you achieve two crucial stages of learning:

  • “Connecting the dots”: Crafting your own cards fosters a deeper understanding of the material and allows you to form personal connections with it.

  • Early familiarity: As you create cards, you actively engage with the content, kickstarting your learning process. By the time you begin reviewing, you'll already have a solid foundation.

Strategy #2: Organize your learning sessions

A big chunk of Anki Pro’s audience is students. When prepping for exams, time and focus are vital. Studies show that concentrated study sessions are more effective than scattered ones. Here are some easy approaches:

  • Preparation: Making flashcards well ahead of the exam (at least one week) is key to letting Anki Pro's spaced repetition algorithm do its job effectively.

  • Dedicated sessions: Set aside time to review a good stack of flashcards in one go.

  • Microlearning: Fit in quick 10-15 minute review sessions during your day. Every bit counts!

Strategy #3: Make Anki Pro part of your study routine

Blend flashcards into your overall study routine, as you do with reading, listening, and note-taking. How? When you learn something new, pick out important ideas to turn into cards. Once you get used to it, the process will feel easy and natural.

Shortcut: When you're researching online, just type "" in your browser's search bar to immediately open the card creation mode.

Strategy #4: Learn what you understand

Understanding what's on your flashcards is crucial for effective memorization. To avoid mindless learning and strengthen your neural connections, create cards alongside your study routine.

For example, while listening and taking notes, identify information that could be turned into flashcards later.

Quick tip: Make it a habit to ensure you understand the card content. If not, revisit the material or ask your teacher for clarification.

Strategy #5: Try the ‘Teach to learn’ method

When reviewing cards, imagine explaining the content to a class. If you're confident, just proceed; if unsure, follow these steps:

  1. Think silently.

  2. Check your answer.

  3. Read the correct response aloud, adding extra details.

Pretending to teach aids memorization, especially for complex topics. Though awkward at first, talking about a subject improves recall, making it a powerful study method.

Strategy #6: Diversify your study methods

Don't stick solely to flashcards; diversify your methods for a more well-rounded approach. For example, when learning a language, you would need to:

  • read to understand the use of words

  • listen to podcasts

  • watch videos

  • take notes

  • practice speaking

📍Quick tip: Even when you're chilling with videos or reading, using flashcards for new words (or whatever you learn) can really boost your studying.

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