Spaced Repetition is a powerful tool that supercharges your learning process. Not only does it help you memorize your cards more effectively, but it also allows you to customize your review times to fit your unique pace. Take control of your study experience and watch your retention soar!
Currently we have 3 Spaced Repetition-based algorithms: General Spaced Repetition, Study Languages and Study Medical Materials. All three of them can be customized, so let's see how it's done!
How to access your Algorithm settings
Open the necessary deck's Settings and tap the "Algorithm settings" tab. From here you will see an advanced menu with all available customization options including Presets, New and Max cards per day, Shuffle cards and Advanced settings.
Let's tackle them one by one:
The Presets option will allow you to switch between various default algorithms. You have 3 Spaced Repetition-based algorithms as well as a General algorithm in case you want to cram all your cards at once before the exam.
More on the available Algorithms can be checked in this section.
New and Max cards per day
New cards per day setting allows you to customize the number of New cards you will have to learn each day, while Max cards is the total number of cards you will see per day (so both new and review cards.)
You can set the number from 0 to the maximum number of cards in your deck (3000) and study at your own pace.
The Max number of cards is especially useful when you already have a big number of review cards piled up and you feel overwhelmed.
Your New cards per day number cannot be higher than the Max cards per day
Now, to the most interesting part!
Advanced settings
Once you open the advanced settings, you might get overwhelmed with the amount of customization you have on your hands but don't worry, we're here to explain it all!
As you already know how Spaced Repetition works, basically it's all about your card passing through various learning 'steps' until you've fully memorised it. Memorizing a card is called Graduation.
You can mark such cards from 'Easy' to 'Hard' depending on how well you know it. The better you do, the longer the interval will be until the card is shown to you again for review.
Review steps
Adding Review steps is the first step in building your custom algorithm, and by default, you start with Review 1. You can add more Review steps by pressing the +Add button, but be mindful! Too many review steps can make your learning overwhelming, especially as new cards start piling up in your daily reviews.
When you press +Add, a pop-up screen will appear, allowing you to set a custom review time.
The more review steps you add, the more times you have to mark your card as Good before it finally graduates.
This means that if you're a fast learner, you can stop at just two Review steps instead of 3 and vice versa. If you feel like you need more time to learn your material, adding more Review steps might be more beneficial.
You can set up different review times for each step or leave them all equal. Just remember that the next review step cannot be shorter than the previous one
Let's take a look at our example:
You have a total of 3 review phases. This means you will see your card a total of 4 times (assuming you will press Good in all your sessions):
1) [new card] you see a card for the first time and press Good
2) [Review 1] you see it in 12 hours and press Good again
3) [Review 2] you see it again in 1 day and 12 hours and press Good
and then finally,
4) [Review 3] after 2 additional days, you press Good for the last time—yay, your card has graduated!
Graduation modifiers
You can also adjust such parameters as Easy bonus, Interval modifier and Max interval.
The General Spaced Repetition has the following review times: 8 minutes for Hard, 15 minutes (doubled) for Good and 4 days for Easy. Also, if you tap Again, the card will be shown for you in 1 minute in the same study session again.
Easy bonus
This parameter multiplies your default review time by the chosen amount when you mark your card as Easy. This allows you to see the card that you already know well even less often. This way, you can focus more on the cards that you actually need to study more.
Interval modifier
You will still want to revise your card from time to time even after you've learned it. However, it wouldn't be that effective if you still kept seeing it too often, right? The Interval modifier parameter allows you to increase review times for all your graduated cards at one.
For example, if you set it to 200%, the card will be shown to you 2 times less often as it's supposed to. ;)
Max interval
Simple as it is - maximum amount of time when the already Graduated card will be shown to you again. Can vary from 1 to 1000 days :)
Saving changes
Once you've made any changes to your learning algorithm, you will see a Save button at the bottom of the screen. Tapping it will immediately apply all changes to your current deck. If no changes were made, the option will be grayed out.
How do you know if the changes were applied?
You will see that your Learning algorithm icon has changed to "Custom" right away.
‼️Once you change to any Preset algorithms back, your Custom settings will be lost.
Phew, that was a lot to take in, but congratulations! You've now mastered customizing your study algorithms and can make your review sessions even more effective! 🧑🏻💻